Licensed under Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 3.0.
You can find more informations about this license here.
You can find more informations about this license here.
ARE INVISIBLE NOW - VOLUME 3 is the new addition in my ongoing series of web compilation that ponders over the meaning (and the consequences, maybe) of being invisible, featuring
stellar, inspiring music from ANDREW HEATH, RIM, OVERTONE, SCOTT SNEE,
BEN RATH, JOHN GILMORE and Maestro FRANCISCO LOPEZ. My deepest and most sincere thanks goes to all of them for accepting to participate.
Since WE ARE INVISIBLE NOW is a no-profit sound project, also VOLUME 3 is
free for you to
download and share. You can listen and
grab the whole album (and the previous two) also on Archive.
Please follow and support all the wonderful musicians that have made
this project possible. Enjoy the album and spread the word. Thank you.
ARE INVISIBLE NOW - VOLUME 4 will be released sometime in the near future, but I'm sorry to say that there is no date set yet: unfortunately things have the strange peculiarity of not going the way one would like, both in the short and in the long term. I guess I'm not telling you anything new. Anyway, you can keep in touch with this project and the musicians involved so far by
following its page on this famous social network.
"They say that none of us exists, except in the imagination of his fellows, other than as an intangible, invisible mentality”
(Edgar Rice Burroughs).
Always be elusive.
We Are Invisible Now is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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